How often do we see noob tubers running around? : More often than every time. It has come to a time where my favorite game series have been plagued with them that even losers can play, but is this really healthy for a long term relationship with hardcore gamers and the standing of the Call of Duty series?
Who’s at fault? It is entirely to the developers and their desire to make it a noob-friendly game. At which the grenade launcher attachment is a barracks reward and giving them freedom to run around, killing you for less skill.
Grave mistake? A harder slip-up is when they get unlimited ammo. What we know is that the scavenger perk gives them ammo when they get a blue bag. They can literally run around the map with endless supply with just picking off from fallen enemies or allies. Add to the injury is that the danger close perk enhances its effects, making it really hard hitting to those getting it on the other line.
The Grenade launcher can be had on default level 1 as the grenadier class. The FAMAS is the first gun that has it and its really bad that anybody at anytime can use it for reckless killing sprees. Any assault gun can have it with as little as 10 kills; this can spell annoyance to their opponents.
A better or perhaps simpler way is to prevent it to be your primary weapon, think of it only as a way to mow mobs rather than run around with it like a real noob and using it.
Sometimes there can be what we call gaming etiquettes and its likely time to apply it to make sure everybody has a great time playing on a public match. In our COD4 dedicated server, it is banned and never being used for anything else other than annoying everybody.
So in the end, tubing standards is pretty okay once you moderate it and never being used as the main tool for killing enemies. Everybody can enjoy with using them for sometimes as nothing ticks everybody else more than another unskilled tuber.
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